Tuesday, November 12, 2013

thankful for my lungs even if they don't always work

As an asthmatic, I am thankful for my inhalers, breathing machine and my medicine.

I know it sounds so crazy to be thankful for such a thing but my "breather" has honestly kept me alive and well.

As someone who has had asthma since the age of nine, I've learned to become thankful for the life that I have, because there is someone who is worse off than me.

I have to especially be thankful for my breather today because I left it at work tonight (since I don't have an inhaler right now) and it almost sent me into an anxiety attack. Luckily, I was able to calm myself down and drive the 46 minute round trip drive just to get it.

You can absolutely bet that I will never do that again!

Even if my lungs aren't perfect, my life is pretty awesome and I can't complain.

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