So clearly I didn't meet my "i'm-gonna-blog-the-whole-month-of-October" goal, but there are things.
Things like a trip to the ER, not for me, but for M. He is okay.
Dishes. Lots of dirty dishes.
Weird work hours.
Netflix. It steals my life. Is this what happens when you deprive yourself of cable?
Etc. Etc.
Also, let's take a minute to talk about my observations from the last couple of days.
(And I wish I had sly picture taking skills to go along so that you get the full effect, but I haven't perfected that...yet.)
- A lady at Kroger in the bakery section shoving a donut in her mouth while looking for another one. #shesnotgonnapayforthat
- A lady walking down the street in the ghetto with five kids in 45 degree weather, two of them not wearing shirts or shoes, two more of them wearing Eskimo jackets with shorts and flip flops and the other one, well, he was dressed appropriately and the one thing they all had in common: they were each walking a pit bull. #putsomeclothesonyourkids
(I love pit bulls. That wasn't the problem I had with this scenario.)
- A man using a squeegee on his windows this morning. In the rain. I haven't quite figured out if he is a genius or just ridiculous. #whatsthesqueegeerage
- A full grown women yelling "it's their freedom of speech" when hearing about the 12 and 14 year old girls who bullied a girl so bad that she ended up killing herself. #areyoufreakingkiddingme #atnopointisbullyingokay
- Co-workers blaring not so enjoyable music too early in the morning. #ishouldntbeabletohearit
- A girl doing a sobriety test. On a main road. In front of a busy fast food restaurant. Before 6:30pm. #shefailed #stayofftheroad #dontdrinkanddrive
I'm not judging any of these people (except the lady who is apparently all FOR bullying and the girl who was drunk driving), but I just can't wrap my head around the actions of some people or why people do the things they do. Whatever happened to intelligence, common sense and respect?
Thank you sweet baby Jesus that it's almost Friday.
Can I get a hallelujah and an amen?